Vila Alice
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Vila Alice![](/assets/icons/star-gold.svg)
Rua Anibal de Melo, Bairro Vila Alice, Luanda, Angola — Show on map
- Air conditioning
- Room service
- Free parking
- Restaurant
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Air conditioning
Free parking
Room service
Vila Alice is situated on Rua Anibal de Melo, in Luanda. Amenities of the 3-star lodging include parking.
Accommodation options
Feel the familial warmth with the high standard conveniences in every room: air conditioning.
Attractions around the hotel
The hotel is nearly 4 km ride from airport. Lovers of nature can get the feel of park.
On the basis of guests’ opinions, Vila Alice will surely cater to a pleasant stay. Spare your time and plan your journey to Luanda beforehand. Our professional team will help you gladly with this.
House Rules
Additional rules
Pets are not allowed
Cards accepted at this hotel Vila Alice accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.