Mogan Hotel
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Mogan Hotel![](/assets/icons/star-gold.svg)
Insaatçilar prospekti 12, AZ 1073, Baku, AZ — Show on map
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Mogan Hotel boasts convenient location on Insaatçilar prospekti 12, in Baku. Amenities of the 5-star lodging include street side parking and wi-fi.
Accommodation amenities
Rooms are generous in amenities such as wi-fi.
Location & Surroundings
Hotel's location lets you enjoy Baku tourist places such as museum. The airport is around 30 km ride from the place. Green tourists will soak up the atmosphere of park.
Based on the opinions expressed by guests, Mogan Hotel will definitely take care of a pleasant stay. Check availability and find your ideal accommodation on HotelFriend.
House Rules
Additional rules
Pets are not allowed
Cards accepted at this hotel Mogan Hotel accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.