Keriang Hill Resort
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Keriang Hill Resort
Jalan Gunung Keriang, Mukim Gunung, 06570 Alor Setar, Malaysia — Show on map
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Luggage storage
Room service
Keriang Hill Resort is located on Jalan Gunung Keriang, in Alor Setar. Facilities of the 3* accommodation include gym, room service and parking.
Accommodation amenities
Everything essential to ensure a fantastic stopover is fully provided: room service.
Pastime Activities
Keriang Hill Resort is truly an active space.
Based on the opinions expressed by guests, Keriang Hill Resort will surely take care of an undisturbed vacation. Spare your time and plan your travel to Alor Setar in advance. Our expert team will be glad to help you.
House Rules
Additional rules
Pets are not allowed
Cards accepted at this hotel Keriang Hill Resort accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.