Hotel Himakara
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Hotel Himakara![](/assets/icons/star-gold.svg)
Matugama, Yatadolawatta, Kalutara, Matugama Road, Matugama, Sri Lanka, Matugama, Sri Lanka — Show on map
- Outdoor pool
- Luggage storage
- WiFi
- Spa and wellness centre
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Luggage storage
Outdoor pool
Spa and wellness centre
Hotel Himakara boasts convenient location on Yatadolawatta, in Matugama. Amenities of the 3-star hotel include parking and wi-fi.
Spa & Wellness Services
Hotel Himakara is presented as a place for giving residents a wonderful refreshment. You won't be disappointed if you immerse yourself in every one of these services to make you feel thoroughly refreshed after your visit.
Lodging & Conveniences
Feel the true coziness with the contemporary conveniences in every guestroom: wi-fi.
Hotel Himakara has many both indoor and outdoor facilities in store. Whether you want to bask by outdoor pool - you will find anything you want here.
Based on various guest reviews, Hotel Himakara will take thought for a laid-back rest. Check availability and choose your ideal accommodation on HotelFriend.
House Rules
Additional rules
Pets are not allowed
Cards accepted at this hotel Hotel Himakara accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.