Hotel Castillo
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Hotel Castillo![](/assets/icons/star-gold.svg)
Avenida 9 y Calle 9, Barrio Otoya, 10104 San Jose, Costa Rica — Show on map
- Horse riding
- WiFi
- Tour desk
- Fax/photocopying
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Air conditioning
Airport shuttle
Golf course (within 3 km)
Horse riding
On-site parking
Tour desk
Hotel Castillo lies on Avenida 9 y Calle 9, in San Jose. Amenities of the 3-star lodging include airport shuttle, bar, wi-fi, non smoking rooms and secure parking.
Paradise Wellness
Hotel Castillo positions itself as a place for giving guests a great refreshment experience. Let yourself be pampered with various massage services. You won't be disappointed if you plunge yourself into any of these procedures to make your vacation more peaceful and memorable.
Lodging conveniences
Make yourself at home with the comfortable amenities in every room: air conditioning. Upon request, there are non-smoking rooms or disabled facilities.
Explore & Relax
Hotel Castillo has many both indoor and outdoor opportunities to offer. Take a deep dive in games playing golf course (extra fee).
Food & drink
The hotel boasts its own restaurant with regional delights and European cookery. There is also a vibrant bar on the hotel premises.
In accordance with guest opinions, Hotel Castillo will take care of a joyful stay. With us, you’ll never pass up the best offers!
House Rules
Additional rules
Pets are not allowed
Cards accepted at this hotel Hotel Castillo accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.