Golden Hôtel
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Golden Hôtel![](/assets/icons/star-gold.svg)
Rue Du Canal, Zone 4, Bietry, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire — Show on map
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Golden Hôtel can be found on Rue Du Canal, in Abidjan. Facilities of the 3-star lodging include wi-fi, fitness facility, parking and bar. Those who travel for business purposes can take advantage of business center.
Lodging conveniences
Everything essential to ensure a comfortable visit is fully supplied: wi-fi.
Leisure & Activities
Golden Hôtel has quite a lot outdoor and indoor recreation facilities in store. Whether you want to burn a few calories in fitness facility, bask by outdoor pool - you will find everything here.
Food & beverage
The hotel presents an in-house restaurant with local meals along with international food. Come by the bar to sip a tasty drink and have a good conversation.
Location & Surroundings
There will be no problem to reach Abidjan destinations such as museum. The airport is about 7 km ride from the place. Green tourists will soak up the atmosphere of park and beach.
According to numerous guest reviews, Golden Hôtel will certainly cater to an undisturbed vacation. Plan every day of your vacation down to the smallest details without even leaving your home. Our expert team would love to assist you.
House Rules
Additional rules
Pets are not allowed
Cards accepted at this hotel Golden Hôtel accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.