Casper Lodge
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Casper Lodge![](/assets/icons/star-gold.svg)
Lubango, Nossa Senhora Do Monte, Lubango, Angola, Lubango, Angola — Show on map
- Outdoor pool
- WiFi
- Shops (on site)
- Laundry
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Babysitting/child services
Outdoor pool
Shops (on site)
Casper lodge is located on Nossa Senhora Do Monte, in Lubango. Conveniences of the 3.0* lodging include free WiFi, fitness studio and babysitting.
Wellness and Recreation
Spa & Wellness procedures are waiting for guests at Casper lodge. You'll have absolutely no regrets about the decision to plunge into every one of these procedures to make your rest more memorable.
Options for lodging
Feel the ultimate coziness with the practical conveniences in every guestroom: tv.
Leisure Time
Casper lodge has myriad outdoor and indoor facilities in store. During a warm season, you can take a dive in the seasonal pool.
Based on the opinions expressed by guests, Casper lodge will certainly take care of a laid-back vacation. Save your time and get the most out of the vacation with us.
House Rules
Additional rules
Pets are not allowed
Cards accepted at this hotel Casper Lodge accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.